Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Essay Taking A Stand

Essay Taking A StandWriting an essay taking a stand is a kind of writing. However, taking a stand is a statement about the writer's or speaker's perspective or position on a subject and a stand, then, is the combination of the two, the stance one takes.Essays are a kind of writing, but an essay taking a stand is really a statement of the writer's viewpoint on a particular issue. A stand is a declaration or assertion that a person is willing to go against the grain of established thinking.An audience, it is said, can be expected to understand what a speaker intends to say only when he has shown his audience that he knows what he is going to say. By doing this, the speaker not only answers the question that is put to him but also makes himself comprehensible to the audience.If the stand he makes is in consonance with the established point of view, then he is making a strong statement that he is not only familiar with but also in harmony with prevailing thought. On the other hand, if hi s stand is at variance with that of the audience, he is performing an act of anti-intellectualism that he should never try to repeat. His audience is likely to understand that he is not interested in them.Thus, the extent to which the stand the speaker or writer takes is related to the audience. The actual purpose of an essay taking a stand is to gain some advantage by giving something to the audience. It is not an attempt to win the hearts of the audience or to please the judges. It is the writer's way of repaying the audience's trust.The writer who steps out of the norm, the one who goes against the tide, makes the audience's contribution to his work. When a leader who is to lead the people in battle says he is not a coward but a man of action, does that make him any less of a leader? The writer, in such a case, stands to gain a measure of influence over the audience.It is the writer's honor to be the opponent who shows them how to win. If the writer stands his ground and is worth y of being counted as an intellectual and an expert in his field, the audience will learn something from his writing. In fact, the writer is at the right place when he does take a stand.An audience may feel disappointed in some way, and it may be caused by the writer's error in judgment. If the audience is drawn into a debate that is between writers they would be good subjects for the writer.

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